addCaseNote |
input: AddCaseNoteInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Add new note to case which is visible to the First AML team |
case-management |
addEntityDocumentFile |
input: AddEntityDocumentFileInput! |
AddEntityFileResult |
Add a file to an entity document |
case-management |
addExceptionForCaseEntity |
input: AddExceptionForCaseEntityInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Add an exception for an entity for a specific case |
case-management |
addExceptionForCaseIndividual |
input: AddExceptionForCaseIndividualInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Add an exception for an individual for a specific case |
case-management |
addIndividualDocumentFile |
input: AddIndividualDocumentFileInput! |
AddFileResult |
Add a file to an individual document |
case-management |
addIndividualsToCase |
input: AddIndividualsToCaseInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Add one or more additional individuals to an existing case that require verification |
case-management |
completeCase |
caseId: String! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Marks a case that is in progress or ready for review as complete |
case-management |
createCase |
input: CreateCaseInput! |
CreateCaseResult! |
Create a new case |
case-management |
createCaseForEntities |
input: CreateCaseForEntitiesInput! |
CreateCaseResult |
Create a new case for verifying entities |
case-management |
createCaseForExistingEntity |
input: CreateCaseForExistingEntityInput! |
CreateCaseResult |
Create a new case for verifying an existing entity |
case-management |
createCaseForIndividuals |
input: CreateCaseForIndividualsInput! |
CreateCaseResult |
Create a new case for verifying individuals |
case-management |
createCasePdf |
input: GeneratePdfInput! |
GeneratedPdfInformation! |
case-management |
createEntityDocument |
input: AddEntityDocumentInput! |
AddEntityDocumentResult |
Add an entity document |
case-management |
createIndividualDocument |
input: AddIndividualDocumentInput! |
AddIndividualDocumentResult |
Add a document to an individual |
case-management |
createLiteCase |
input: CreateLiteCaseInput! |
CreateCaseResult |
Create a new lite case for verifying an individual |
case-management |
createWebhookSubscription |
input: CreateWebhookInput! |
WebhookResult! |
api-management |
deleteEntityDocument |
input: DeleteEntityDocumentInput! |
DeleteEntityDocumentResult |
Delete an entity document |
case-management |
deleteEntityDocumentFile |
input: DeleteEntityDocumentFileInput! |
DeleteEntityDocumentFileResult |
Delete an entity document file |
case-management |
deleteExceptionForCaseEntity |
input: DeleteExceptionForCaseEntityInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Delete an exception for an entity for a specific case |
case-management |
deleteExceptionForCaseIndividual |
input: DeleteExceptionForCaseIndividualInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Delete an exception for an individual for a specific case |
case-management |
deleteIndividualDocument |
input: DeleteIndividualDocumentInput! |
DeleteIndividualDocumentResult |
Delete an individual document |
case-management |
deleteIndividualDocumentFile |
input: DeleteIndividualDocumentFileInput! |
DeleteIndividualDocumentFileResult |
Delete an individual document file |
case-management |
deleteWebhookSubscription |
input: DeleteWebhookInput! |
WebhookResult! |
api-management |
escalateLiteCase |
input: EscalateLiteCaseInput! |
CreateCaseResult |
Escalates a ready for review or abandoned lite case and creates a standard case |
case-management |
reworkCase |
caseId: String! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Reworks a completed case and moves it’s status back to in progress |
case-management |
runVerificationChecks |
input: RunVerificationChecksInput! |
RunVerificationChecksResult! |
case-management |
submitCase |
caseId: String! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Submits a draft case and move it’s status to in progress |
case-management |
updateCaseReference |
input: UpdateCaseReferenceInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Update the client-assigned reference for an existing case |
case-management |
updateEntity |
input: UpdateEntityInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Updates the details of an entity on a case |
case-management |
updateExceptionForCaseEntity |
input: UpdateExceptionForCaseEntityInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Update an exception for an entity for a specific case |
case-management |
updateExceptionForCaseIndividual |
input: UpdateExceptionForCaseIndividualInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Update an exception for an individual for a specific case |
case-management |
updateIndividual |
input: UpdateIndividualInput! |
UpdateCaseResult |
Updates the details of an individual on a case |
case-management |