Name | Arguments | Type | Description |
address | Address! | Address details of the individual | |
citizenship | CountryInformation | The country of citizenship for this individual | |
dateOfBirth | Date | Date of birth of the individual | |
documents | [IndividualDocumentInformation!]! | The documents associated with this individual | |
emailAddress | String | Email address of the individual | |
exception | IndividualExceptionDetails | The exception associated with this individual and case | |
individualId | String! | Unique identifier of an individual | |
individualVerificationChecksStatus | IndividualVerificationCheckStatus! | The status of verifications for this individual | |
individualVerificationType | IndividualVerificationType! | The verification type for this individual | |
isCaseContact | Boolean! | Is this individual a contact for the case? | |
latestVerificationReport | IndividualVerificationReport | The most recent verification report available for the individual | |
legalName | PersonName! | Legal name of the individual | |
notes | String | Notes about this individual (notes may include html formatting) | |
phoneNumber | String | Phone number of the individual | |
preferredName | PersonName! | Preferred name of the individual | |
requiresCDD | Boolean! | Does this individual require CDD | |
sourceOfWealthNotes | String | Notes about the individual’s source of wealth (notes may include html formatting) | |
standardizedPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the individual in E.164 format | |
urls | IndividualUrls! | The urls to First AML applications for the individual |