
How to use the Embedded EIV feature

Requesting the Embedded Verification Url

When creating or querying the details of a Case through the Public API the verification url can be requested as part of the application urls added to the API schema as outlined in this changelog. With the addition of the embedded API the verification field has a new argument embedded to return the verification url used for embedded EIV. An example GraphQL request creating a new case and querying the appropriate details is shown below.

mutation CreateCase($input: CreateCaseForIndividualsInput!) {
	createCaseForIndividuals(input: $input) {
		... on CaseInformation {
			individuals {
                urls {
                    verification(embedded: true) {
                        ... on ValidUrl {
                        ... on InvalidUrl {
		... on ValidationErrors {
			errors {

Hosting the iframe

Using the verification url is straight forward with the most important callout being the permissions required for camera and microphone.

<iframe title="Identity Verification" allow="camera;microphone" src="{verificationUrl}"></iframe>

Terminal state

The final state of the iframe in embed mode will be a loading indicator in the UI regardless of the verification result.

As the consuming application you’ll need to intercept the messages posted from the iframe (see next section) to decide what to do next - for example, unmount the iframe and display your own UI to the user.

Messages from the iframe

Once the form is completed and the user lands on the final screen, a FormCompleteMessage event will be emitted by the iframe.

Following that, the iframe will poll the API for a short time and will post a message to the hosting website to inform you of the status of the verification complete. The most common verification outcome will be VerificationUndeterminedMessage due to the time taken to verify an individual, however some verification types will reduce this time.

The Typescript definitions of the messages is as follows:

export type VerificationCompleteMessage = {
  type: 'verification_complete'
  data: {
    token: string

export type VerificationIncompleteMessage = {
  type: 'verification_incomplete'
  data: {
    token: string

export type VerificationUndeterminedMessage = {
  type: 'verification_undetermined'
  data: {
    token: string

export type FormCompleteMessage = {
  type: 'form_complete'
  data: {
    token: string

export type ErrorMessage = {
  type: 'error'
  data: {
    errorCode: ErrorCode

export type ErrorCode = 'generic'

export type IframeMessage =
  | VerificationCompleteMessage
  | VerificationIncompleteMessage
  | VerificationUndeterminedMessage
  | FormCompleteMessage
  | ErrorMessage

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