
Details how to download and browse the GraphQL schema

Each environment makes the following endpoints available for use.

Endpoint Usage
/oauth.token The token endpoint is OAuth2/OpenID compliant token endpoint which can be passed API credentials and will return a Bearer token suitable for authenticate requests to the /graphql endpoint.
/graphql The GraphQL endpoint is used for executing GraphQL queries against the API. To make requests to this endpoint you require a valid access token returned from the /oauth/token endpoint.
/case/{case-id}/casedocument/{document-id} These endpoints are utilised to retrieve the contents of documents associated with a case.
/case/{case-id}/entitydocument/{document-id} These endpoints are utilised to retrieve the contents of documents associated with an entity.
/case/{case-id}/individualdocument/{document-id} These endpoints are utilised to retrieve the contents of documents associated with a individual.

GraphQL Schema
Using Insomnia